
Back at Blogging! So many things to write about! Last year one day shy of her 90th Birthday my Mom passed away. My sisters and I attended her as she passed. It was surreal knowing she brought us into this world. We watched her leave it. My older sister was in NV and we had her on face time. Thank goodness for new technology. I nursed her Mary prayed for her and Andrea talked to her. We all in our own ways helped her pass from our lives. I can’t say it was easy, but it was beautiful. I had some trouble after she passed with missing her. I do know she is in a better place and with all those who passed before her. I am now doing much better. I am quilting and embroidering as much as possible with a very sore finger. I will Have surgery in June to fuse the joint. Then there will be no stopping me! I am very thankful for my family and wonderful friends. It is a blessing to have them.
Girls Day Out Quilt 1a

Back to Blogging

Rome Italy

I have made many changes since I last blogged. I closed my pattern business. Oh I am still designing patterns for my self. I am working on many new projects. Currently I am cutting out 4 new quilts. I am looking at the UFO’s and will pick 3 or 4 to finish. I have several tops sandwiched and ready to machine quilt. So I am busy everyday. I love what I do. I am happiest in my Studio. It is a place that soothes my soul.  We have been traveling and last Oct we saw Italy. We fell in love with Venice. So much so that we are going back next year. Our favorite form of traveling is cruising. The most bang for the buck. I look forward to our trips. I get even more ideas for my quilting with each place we visit.  I am going to try to post at least once a week. maybe more probably less. I am off to the Studio now. Have a Blessed Day!

Back to Normal?


Well between my Hubby being sick for 2 weeks. The car crash a week ago. The multitude of errands last week. I am finally getting back to the Studio. I designed a quilt a while ago in EQ7. I was tweaking it and Hubby saw it. He loves it. He wants me to use my face for the silhouettes! Now to see if we can pull that off. I do love his suggestions. They are almost always spot on. He supports my quilting passion. I am forever grateful for that.

Today day is cold and blustery here in New England. It is supposed to warm up for Thanksgiving. I personally like the cooler weather. The leaves are all off. Winter is around the corner. Have a great day! Live Love and Laugh Enough! Luann



Yes it is Monday. Again. Wow the days and weeks are flying by. I don’t know were the time goes. I think as I age the clock spins faster. When I was younger the clock spun slower. Maybe it is a part of the aging process. I can only wonder.

I am hoping for sometime in the Studio today. I did mange to baste my stems down on the basket quilt. I am cutting leaves for it as well. It has 144 leaves in sml, med and large. I am using 4 different green fabrics for those leaves. I will start prepping the berries as well. They are cut now I have to get them made around the carding pieces. I will then starch them so I have perfect circles. I really like the way it is coming. I have the yellow and blue blocks ready for making into a quilt top. So I have been busy working away! I hope you have a beautiful day. Ours is a perfect Fall day! Live Love and Laugh Enough! Luann

Happy Friday!


Such a happy Friday. I am off to afternoon quilting. I thought it was yesterday. Turns out to be today! It is much better for me today!. Yesterday those pesky errands took me about an hour and a half to complete. I was faced with issues at both errands! I just had to accept that it was me having to deal with SP’s. Geesh. I got back home and spent a little while in the Studio. That calmed me right down. I will back to the Studio after quilt group.

I did manage to cut 80 red circles for the basket quilt applique. Now onto the leaves. It is coming along nicely. I do have to make sure my corner appliques are even. That will be this afternoons project.

It is a warm windy day in New England. The oak leaves are falling finally. As they carpet the lawn and everything else I can only wonder at how many leaves that Oak trees hold. I am so happy I have a lawn care company to do Fall clean-up. Have a wonderful Day and a Great Weekend. Live LOve and Laugh Enough! Luann